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Malawi- Clean Water Projects

We rarely stop to think of the glass of water in our hands or the 30-minute luxurious soak or quick shower we indulge in. What we take for granted is a privilege in Malawi.

Pure clean water.

H4H has dedicated staff and volunteers who are raising funds to provide a borehole, which is easy to maintain via simple technology.

Malawi is amongst the worst hit in the long-running drought in Southern Africa. (Source; CharityWater.org)
Each borehole serves a village of up to 400 people. That’s making a difference to about 150 children a day. Donate a small amount towards our clean water projects here.

You can sponsor a water well for £600. Donate now.
You can sponsor a borehole for £3000. Donate now.

What are Drilled Boreholes?

Boreholes can be drilled to provide a safe and reliable water source for the whole community and avoid the risk of cross-contamination of waterborne diseases and livestock. Boreholes are safe for all community members to use, and both women and children can gain easy and quick access to water, without the risk of accidents and deaths from falling into the water source.

These boreholes are drilled to reach greater depths, more efficiently and more quickly, tapping into deep underground sources of water (aquifers). Hence drilled boreholes are more expensive to construct, but the opportunities to support communities to grow with a borehole are far greater than a traditional hand-dug open well.

Periodic and spot inspections of the site will be carried out in due course to ensure the facility is being utilised properly and is fully functional. Boreholes cost approximately £3000 each.

Hands for Humanity is making clean water a right…not a privilege.

Malawi Healthcare

Donating £50 monthly to our Health Care Clinic will provide up to 20 people general treatment and will also provide 2 patients care and support in the Maternity Unit.

The current annual cost to maintain the clinic (including the maternity unit) is £58,000.

Our partner (drop of compassion) is currently operating a clinic in Somba which is in the Mangochi district. The clinic supports approximately 3,000 people per month across 15 villages (out of which 12% are treated for HIV and 52% are treated for Malaria). The maternity wing which operates 24 hours a day sees 300-350 (4000 annually) maternity-related patients every month, out of which there are 30 deliveries every month (360 annually).

Clinic benefits:

  1. Free treatment for all. Approximately the clinic benefits 3,000 patients monthly (out of which 12% are treated for HIV and 52% are treated for Malaria).
  2. Dispensary – Fully stocked with necessary medication required for common illnesses like Malaria, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Bilharzia, and HIV treatment.
  3. HIV Testing and Counselling- Advisors equip individuals and couples with information on prevention and healthy lifestyles.
  4. Together with the Ministry of Health, the clinics carry out vaccination programs such as DPT 1/2/3, Polio 0/1/2/3, Measles vaccine, TTV, Anti meningitis vaccines as well as administration of Vitamin A.
  5. Availability of important medicines to treat local conditions.
  6. The preferred clinic for the underprivileged.
  7. Provide a nutritional program to help malnourished children.
  8. Supplementary Feeding Program – A project that aims to prevent individuals with malnutrition disorder from developing severe acute malnutrition.
  9. Maternity care.

Health care is not easily accessible in the poorest parts of Malawi. Things like health care, education, and general well-being take a secondary position on the priority of the government and locals where everyday survival elements are food and water. But we believe serious respiratory infections can be prevented with early treatment and H4H wants to eliminate the need to travel for those who need pre and post-natal care. The Health Clinic we support will be a means of providing basic health care for our sustainable village and its surrounding areas.

Malawi Education

Oh, my Lord! Increase me in my knowledge! (The Quran)

Malawi is the 8th poorest country in the world, meaning that whatever little money the community has, goes towards survival rather than education. Only 1% of students who are enrolled in secondary education continue to further their education.

Education in Malawi is seriously underfunded, hence the need for external intervention.

H4H provides both secular and Islamic education for children. We believe that basic education is compulsory until the child is 16 and should be a child’s right. Also, to be educated in one’s faith ensures that a child does not lose their religious identity.

A positive change

H4H builds and rehabilitates schools for each child to receive a quality education. All staff that are on the ground are provided with a high level of training and skills to ensure the standards of education are delivered with excellence. Due importance is given to the food program. Care is taken when selecting a menu as we believe it is vital all children receive nutritional food, and as a result, can concentrate and become pioneers of the future.

£30 a month can change the future of a precious child

Click here to empower a child and change their future!



Donate £30 a month to help educate the impoverished on how to retain healthy minds and bodies.

As part of our ongoing vision of a better future in Malawi, our village will have a fitness centre. This will tie in with our health clinic scheme, in the hope of both children and adults building strength, stamina, and healthy appetites. It is a well-known fact that anyone affected by poverty pays little heed to their physical being but just like our UK boxing community projects we want to ensure that the healthy bodies of today can carry the next generation. Not only will the fitness centre be run by our on-the-ground volunteers, but we will train locals to run the centre too and we will liaise with local leaders to ensure the correct maintenance of this exciting innovative scheme.

Our fitness center will also give children an insight into the world of sport, something that they would never consider as impoverished communities rarely pursue a sport that may interest them.

Please be a part of our vision for Malawi by donating a small amount a month! 

Malawi Fund an Orphan

Sponsor an orphan for as little as £30 a month.

Of the 17 million of Malawi’s population, 16.7% of children are Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). That’s a staggering 300,000.

Nearly 1 million have lost 1 or both parents to AIDS.

20% of Malawian households look after an OVC, but due to widespread poverty, these households are already on the edge of destitution. OVC lack proper care, and are more often than not, exposed to exploitation and abuse. (Source; US AID).

“Serve God.. and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans and those in need “ The Quran(4;036)

Our Help the Orphan initiative is inspired by the kindness shown to our Prophet Mohammed by his uncle. He lost his father before he was even born and his mother passed on when he was 6. But our Prophet was blessed with kindness by whomever he met.

The rural areas of Lilongwe have hosted our orphanage with the help of our on the ground partners. This is entirely done with the support of your donations. This is what your £30 a month can provide.

Food – A 3-course meal is provided to the children daily

Clothing – Children are provided with two sets of School & Mosque uniforms which include shoes. Jackets and a few pairs of casual clothing are also provided to each individual.

Accommodation – This includes mattresses, sheets, pillows, and mosquito nets.

Medical – When students join the school after the Annual year, each individual is offered a full check-up. The cost of the Sponsorship includes the Medical Programme annually as well as general check-ups.

School Fees – This covers all three terms as well as providing the Orphans with stationery.

Madrasah (Mosque) Fees – This covers all three terms and also includes stationery and course books relating to each subject.

As part of the Sponsorship programme students are given spending money and are supported with transport fares when they return home.

Give towards the Orphan Sponsorship program now!

Malawi Agriculture and Aquaculture

Our vision for sustainable independent villages would be incomplete without putting sustainable agricultural practices into play. We want our villages to thrive on independence which can only be attained with your generous help and funds.


Sustainable agriculture is to meet a society’s food and textile needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
It involves three main objectives:

  • A healthy environment
  • Economic profitability
  • Social and economic equity

Our project requires extensive research, land, training, and input from locals which involves educating the farmers on sustainability and overall, getting the locals involved in maintaining a system that can survive during long-term drought.

H4H is also setting up a system of aquaculture which meets the targets set by the government as a standard. This aquaculture system allows locals to have fish as nourishment, but also sell at local markets and see personal profits.



The launching of our agriculture and aquaculture is all part of our vision to lend a helping start to new beginnings for the most impoverished communities worldwide. Malawi is only the beginning…

Donate now towards our sustainable agriculture projects.

Donate as little as £30 a month to help fund our sustainable village project research.

Our presence on the ground ensures your donations go to the RIGHT place.

Malawi Renewable Energy

Sponsor a turbine for £20 a month!

In Malawi, only 9% of its 17 million population has electricity. As in many countries across sub-Saharan Africa, Malawi’s abundant renewable energy sources-wind, solar, and hydropower- are the most likely source of rapid new generation capacity.

Renewable energy goes hand in hand with our vision for sustainable villages and a better future for Malawi’s most impoverished.

Renewable energy is a summit of our development program. Renewable energy – wind and solar provide substantial benefits for Malawians. Wind and solar energy require essentially no water to operate and thus do not pollute water resources or strain supply by competing with agriculture, drinking water systems, or other important water needs.

Our wind and solar systems are more reliable and cost-effective which means we can work and serve our community without interruption. The renewable energy project has demonstrated that renewable energy can contribute to poverty alleviation by providing the energy needed for creating businesses and employment. Renewable energy can also make indirect contributions to alleviating poverty by providing energy for cooking, heating, and lighting.