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Build a masjid
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A dedicated place to practise and share our faith is very important to Muslims. But the sad reality is that Muslims in developing countries do not always have a local mosque.

Muslims in the UK are blessed to have mosques where there are Friday congregations, function halls, Hifz classes, and even outreach facilities for newly practicing Muslims. None of this is available in poorer countries.

Please donate generously to help your brothers and sisters in Africa and other parts of the world. Every Muslim has the right to an Islamic education. Our build a masjid scheme will provide Islamic literature, Quran, and more to those that wish to educate themselves in their faith. At the end of our completed project, you can expect a full report on the work completed with your donations.


  • SYRIA : £6000.00 (capacity 100-150 worshippers)
  • TOGO & BENIN: £10,000.00 (capacity 200-250 Worshippers)